Carsten Thielepape (34)

Edinburgh 5.0.1 released

Ir's time for a new version, as Dublin was an interims version. Version 5 has more code improvement and much better structure to extend by scripts. I worked hard on the deployment framework, so this releases is available for android, windows and linux (debian/ubuntu). The…

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Update to Dublin

Hello, a lot of activities in the background. We are now on version 4.6.2 Dublin, which has major improvements in structure and functionality on adb deveices and enigma control. Too many to name in detail. The website is now on https, so older version…

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Version 3.5.1 Canberra Released

Hi all, sorry for being so inactive on the announcements. Just uploaded version 3.5.1. It has some improvements on the ONKYO definition and some major improvements on the Enigma2 Template. It introduces scripts as a new way to extend ORCAs functionality. More infos later

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Version 3.0.0 Canberra Released

For a long time I didn't pulish new versions, because I developed massive changes to ORCA. Now it's tme to release V3, the branch is called Canberra. The main changes: Importing definitions: It's now possible to import defintions into a definition, which helps to create…

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