Carsten Thielepape (34)

ORCA Version 1.1.0 available for download

As already announced, a new version is now available for download at the download page. It's only the Windows and the Android version. The Kivy Launcher version will not work on Android anymore due to missing user rights. The MAC version is missing as I…

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Forum moved to

I underestimated the workload to maintain a forum software (just the app not the content). So I decided to move the forum to a public hoster. The new forum can be found at

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Version 1.1 coming soon


a long time without updates has been passed, so shame on me. The main reason was, that I was busy at work AND I introduced some massive changes to ORCA. Currently I am testing some last features and will update the Wiki & Forum.

The changelog to the new version:

  • Introduction of online repositories:

The ORCA package will just include the core files, any further files will be downloaded by an online repository for definitions, codesets, skins, languages,…. Developer can build their own repository to offer their work easily to ORCA users.
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Working on Sharp AQUOS Interface(s)

Just started to work on a new interfaces for AQUOS TV. In fact, I ordered a new SHARP TV and started to develop an interface for this (before I got it), using public information. After I got the the TV , I recognized, that this…

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